Thanks to your tremendous support and generosity, our annual Book Fair was a record breaking success, topping £2000 for the very first time and raising a magnificent £1,274 in commission! This will be spent on books to stimulate English lessons and promote a love of reading throughout all key stages.
Once again: “THANK YOU”!
Everyone is involved in making our Fairs a success: our customers (of course!) but also our student Fair Makers. A BIG BIG “THANK YOU” goes to the Year 7 team of Eve H, Sophie B, Barney H and Charlotte R who, between them, gave up every break and lunchtime in January to staple over 1000 letters to Fair fliers to publicise the Fairs at both schools, provided lots of support during the Fair and distributed the orders and helped to tidy up on the last day. We couldn’t have done this without you!
To read more about what went on at book fair click ‘continue reading’.
Celebrating World Book Day
We collected £184.55 to support the work of Book Aid International in getting books to children in parts of the world that have none. Thank you to all those who supported this worthwhile charity which makes it possible for children in desperate need to learn to read, the first step towards helping themselves out of poverty.
The number of students spending the day in character this World Book Day was truly staggering and a real pleasure to witness!
130 students put themselves forward for judging, which had to be done in batches, occupied 4 staff and took a complete lesson! In the end 10 students, whose costumes displayed the most ingenuity and originality, were selected from a shortlist of 27. They were each invited to choose a book prize from the Fair and the rest won privilege passes.
Thank you to everyone who dressed up, whether or not you made your own costume, because your efforts contributed to making World Book Day special – and that’s what it’s all about!
The prize winners!
Enormous thanks to Eve H, Sophie B and Charlotte R – all in Year 7 – for patiently naming every one of 1032 World Book Day tokens so everyone in both schools could be sure of getting one. You really are heroes, girls!