Book Fair 2020

Thanks to your support and generosity, our annual Book Fair took £1,667. This has raised £1,000 in commission, which will be spent mostly on books to support English lessons but also on book prizes for the ‘Dress as a Book Character’ challenge. 

Once again, “THANK YOU”!

Everyone is involved in making our Fairs a success: our customers, of course!

but also our student Fair Makers. 

A BIG, BIGTHANK YOU” to Eva, Libby and Teddy in Y7 and Katie in Y5 who gave up lots of lunchtimes to staple together more than 500 letters and Fair fliers publicising our Fair

and to Eva, Libby, Teddy and Michael, who shared the tasks of support every break time during Fair Week, setting up the Fair, tidying up on the last day and distributing orders. 

There was a great deal to do and we simply couldn’t have done it without you!

Celebrating ‘World Book Day’

We collected £217 to support the work of Book Aid International in getting books to children in parts of the world that have none. Thank you to all those who supported this worthwhile charity, which has extended its work into refugee camps and makes it possible for children in disadvantaged parts of the world to develop their reading.

The imagination and thought which your children have put into portraying a book character this year was a real pleasure to witness!  Just take a look and see why judging was so difficult: 

We had a staggering twenty winners!

Not to forget the Y5 team, you looked great!!

Thank you to everyone who made the effort to dress up.  Your efforts contributed to making our ‘World Book Day’ 2020 special – and that’s what it’s all about!

Enormous thanks to Harriet in Y5, Brid in Y6 and Eva, Libby and Teddy in Y7 for patiently naming more than 500 World Book Day tokens so everyone could be sure of getting one in time for our Book Fair.  You really are heroes!