British Science Day 2019 at Newminster Middle School

On Friday 15th March, we had our annual British Science day. This has become somewhat of a Newminster tradition now. British Science Week is a 10-day programme of thousands of events running throughout the whole of the UK with the aim of celebrating science, engineering, technology and maths. The aim of the day was to

  • Raise the profile of science and technology in the school and wider community
  • Learn about careers in STEM
  • To get pupils  interested and thinking about STEM subjects (a little more!)

We are very fortunate that we had STEM Ambassadors who contributed from a range of sectors and made the day very special. Here is an outline of the workshops that took place. Each student participated in 5 workshops.

STEM workshop STEM Ambassador organisation
Roller Coaster engineering NEBP
Construction workshop NEBP
Friction and Forces I Mech E
Gears I Mech E
Technology Tom Tom Mullholland
Virtual Reality Workshop – Space Education Group
Live animal workshop Bugs n stuff
Nature Walk Year 6 staff
Exploring science Northumbria University
Flood Awareness and Resilience Measures Environment agency
Microscopes and DNA workshop Newcastle University
What a waste! NCC
A day in the life of a vet Alnorthumbria
CSI Northumbria Police-Darren Stapleton
Science or engineering? NEPIC
Crime Scene Investigation Northumbria Police – Kirsty Potter
Radiation in the world around us Northern centre for cancer care
Hydroelectric workshop Environment agency
Lego robots Sunderland University

Mrs Razzaqi would like to say a huge thank you to all of our STEM Ambassadors (some of whom are also parents) for travelling to us and offering a chance for the students to get involved in stimulating  activities as well as having the opportunity to find out about careers in STEM. If you would like to help us out for BSW 2020 please get in touch with Mrs Razzaqi via the school office.

Here are some quotes..

β€œI learnt a lot about science, working as a team and communication skills. I loved it all!

β€œThis was a very interesting and educational day; my favourite parts were where you could get involved in a practical manner. I learnt about engineering and how science helps to invent medicine and cure disease.”

β€œI learnt so much about careers that I had not previously heard about and I would now like to study science further. The DNA and CSI investigations were active and great fun.”