Please click here to read updated Covid Advice, September 2021
The Morpeth Pantomime Society are looking for new members and are hosting an open evening on Monday 13th September, 7.15pm at the Morpeth Rugby Club.
The society welcomes anyone from 9 years old (and in school year 5) to 99 years. Children in years 5, 6 and 7 need to join with an accompanying adult whilst years 8 onwards join independently as Junior members. Adult membership starts at 18.
If you like music, acting, singing, dancing, interested in scenery design, props, makeup or helping out in general – there is a warm welcome awaiting you.
For more info check out our website like us on
Just a reminder that Year 5 start school on Wednesday and all other year groups on Thursday. Students should be on their respective yards for 8.45 am.
This year, at Newminster Middle School, we supported Comic Relief by creating and selling a book of limericks in aid of the charity – ‘Lockdown Limericks by NMS’. We encouraged all of our students and staff to write a humorous limerick to be included in the book and got hundreds!
The book was printed by Book Printing UK and has been sold with all profits being donated to Comic Relief. As an Artsmark Platinum school we wanted to create something to make everyone smile at this difficult time and pull together as a full school community. Doing this through poetry has also supported the pupils literacy and reading skills and they were delighted to read the finished book. I have attached some photos of the school community reading our book!
The pupils also came dressed in a splash of red for a non uniform day on Friday 19th March 2021.
Do you have the time to help musicians in our region?
Understanding a Child’s Digital World – Event, Tuesday 16th 2021, 1800
FREE Online safety event open to parents, professionals -anyone who wants to learn more about the digital world
Counter Terrorism Policing East Midlands are hosting a free online event to encourage parents and professionals to talk to children about online safety.
This session serves as an introduction to understanding the digital world and what risks are present for children.
The event will be interactive, open to everyone with questions encouraged – please join and circulate to anyone else who may be interested.
The event is supported by guest speakers from the East Midlands Cyber Engagement Team and Warning Zone. It will be opened by DCC Gibson from Counter Terrorism Policing East Midlands
ACT Early more info here:
As a result of a burst water main on Mitford Road our water supply has been turned off. We have been notified that this could be for at least 3 hours. Given the impact on hygiene, use of toilets, provision of meals and access to drinking water we have had no choice but to make the decision to close. If your child has not already left for school then please keep them at home. Any child arriving at school will be managed appropriately and contact made home. We are hugely sorry for the inconvenience caused.