Northumberland School Games Qualifying round (level 2):
- Y5 Football – Great efforts go to our 3 boys teams who took part in this festival. Our ‘A’ team were just pipped into 2nd place on goal difference. Special mention must go to our ‘C’ team who beat their Chantry counterparts 23-3!
- Y5/6 Girls Football – Well done to our girls’ team who were winners of this event and will now represent the Area in the Summer Games in June.
- Y5/6 mixed Tag Rugby at Morpeth Rugby Club – another chance to put 3 teams into this competition, so well done to those who took part and in particular those that represented the school with great attitude, behaviour and commitment.
- Y7/8 Level 3 indoor rowing at Cambois Rowing Club – Superb effort for our indoor rowers who took part in this fantastic new sport. Particular congratulations to Ryan Charlton (Y8 boys 1st), Luke Tait (Y8 boys 3rd) and Elena Saunders (Y7 girls 4th) who will now represent the county in the regional finals at Durham University on 15th April 2015.
- Y8 Volleyball at Ponteland – well done to our 4 teams who took part with great enthusiasm and determination. After only limited training the girls’ teams finished 2nd and 4th, and the boys finished 2nd and 3rd. Fantastic effort!
Other sporting results/events
A fantastic set of results at the Sportshall Athletics event at Kirkley Hall last month.
- Y5/6 Sportshall Athletics – 1st
- Y7 Boys Sportshall Athletics – 1st
- Y7 Girls Sportshall Athletics – 2nd
- Y8 Boys Sportshall Athletics – 1st
- Y8 Girls Sportshall Athletics – 2nd
The teams who finished 1st will now represent the Area at the County Finals at Morpeth Leisure Centre next year – U11s – 30th Jan; U12s/U13s – 6th Feb.
U12s Girls 5-a-side football tournament – 2nd
Area Cross country event at Woodhorn Colliery, Ashington – well done to our Y7/8 pupils who took part in this event, particularly to Tommy Cunningham (1st) and Lily Heaton (2nd) along with Jack Watson, Nathan Hume, Nicole Teasdale, Alex Carr, Grace Bathgate, Ross Charlton, Luke Tait and Izzy McCormack who will now represent the Area at the County Finals at Temple Park on 20th Jan 2015.
Judo taster sessions for Y5/6 on 8/9.12.14 – great enjoyment was had by our KS2 pupils in sessions led by Patrick Tucker from ‘Destination@BritishJudo’ club. Club contact : Classes on a Tuesday at St James Community Centre in Morpeth.
Y5 Skipping festival, 11.12.14 – All our Y5 pupils had a go at many fun skipping activities led by Chris Corcoran. About 30 pupils will take their skills to a tournament held at Chantry in March.
U11s football – well done to our U11s team who beat Dame Allans 2-1 in the County Cup. They will now play in the Quarter Finals held next year.