Children being inquisitive and taking risks are both natural parts of growing up. However, technology is changing the way young people can do this.

Below is information to help parents support their children to be safe online. Much of the information was taken from the excellent CEOP (Child Exploitation and Online Protection) site.

There’s a viral scare online.  What should I do?

Reports of online scares or challenges encouraging harmful or suicidal behaviours can be alarming and confusing.  Click here to look at how you can speak to your child about scares and challenges and how to respond if they have seen one.

Activity for children

BBC Bitesize has a great quiz to raise awareness of e-safety to young people. It can be found here.


Be involved in your child’s online life

For many of today’s young people, there is no line between the online and offline worlds. Young people use the internet to socialise and grow and, just as you guide and support them offline, you should be there for them online too. Talk to them about what they’re doing – if they know you understand the online world they are more likely to approach you if they need support. 

Keep up-to-date with your child’s development online

Be inquisitive and interested in the new gadgets and sites that your child is using. It’s important that as your child learns more, so do you.

Emphasise that not everyone is who they say they are

Ensure that your child is fully aware of the importance of never sharing personal details about themselves with people that they only know online, or on sites where the information can be picked up or seen by people who may be unknown to them. Make sure your child knows never to meet up with someone they only know online. People might not always be who they say they are. If such a request if ever made to them encourage them to tell yourself or another trusted adult (e.g. family member. teacher) immediately.

Know what to do if something goes wrong

Just as in the offline world, you want to help your child when they need it. See the information above for important guidance on when to report any problem. School, the police and CEOP are all avenues that can be taken to seek further support for reporting a problem and helping to keep your child safe online.

Tools to keep my child safe

Safer-Internet-Centre parent-info-banner
The Safer Internet Centre provides e-safety tips, advice and resources to help children and young people stay safe on the internet. Parent Info is a website offering information on the wellbeing and resilience of children.
tuklogo eah
Thinkuknow is an education programme from the National Crime Agency’s CEOP Command. Their site offers a suite of articles and guidance on all aspects of child internet safety. Educate Against Hate provides practical advice and support to help all individuals with an interest in keeping children safe from the dangers of extremism. This site has been created by the Department for Education and the Home Office.

Reporting Issues

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The Internet Watch Foundation can help you if you  need to get content removed from the internet. If your  son or daughter has been involved in sexting and the  images or videos have been posted online, then the  IWF can help get them removed. CEOP pursue those who sexually exploit and abuse  children; prevent people becoming involved in child  sexual exploitation and; protect children from becoming victims of sexual exploitation and sexual abuse. If you are concerned about your child being exploited, then make a report here.

Updated: September 2022