We were invited by Northumberland County Council to participate in Local Democracy Week (9 – 15 October) this year. The children took part in one of two workshops which involved making posters, banners and leaflets either about a campaign they are passionate about or about Emily Davidson and her work as a suffragette. Posters included: the number of houses being built in Morpeth, litter, parking, Morpeth’s skatepark, Brexit and more.

The day also included a panel of county and town councillors which pupils were able to fire questions at.

Some quesions included:

  • What is the difference between a town councillor, county councillor and MP?
  • What interested you in the first instance to become a councillor?
  • Could you give us any helpful tips and advice on how we can run our student parliament successfully?
  • What is the hardest decision within your job you’ve ever had to make?
  • What are the future plans for empty local shops and why are so many businesses struggling in the area?
  • What is your best memory or proudest moment as a councillor?
Lee, Cameron, Alfie and Lewis handed over a hand written letter to County Councillor D. Bawn about their concerns with Morpeth’s skatepark. He said he would take this to the next town council meeting. Well done boys! 

At the end of the session, our School Parliament representatives received a certificate to recognise the school’s participation in Local Democracy Week. *see photo in folder*