Monday 7th October to Friday 11th October
To help support the International Walk to School October campaign, Newminster are encouraging classes to take part in a one week competition. Every child in their form class will receive one point if they have walked, biked, or scootered to school that morning. Class reps will add up the total score each morning and at the end of the week, we will see which form class has received the most points by Friday 11th October.
The winning form class per year group will win a £25 Amazon Voucher to spend on wet break resources for their class.
Good luck and get walking…..

Walk to School Matters Because….
- It’s been proven that if children do some form of exercise, especially a walk before school, do better in class because they arrived refreshed and ready to learn
- During morning peak traffic times, one in five cars are taking children to school – these are contributing to congestion, air pollution and carbon emissions
- The school run alone is responsible for generating two million tonnes of CO2 per year